Performers rehearse for the upcoming Spring Festival Gala 每日速读
The 41st CCTV Spring Festival Gala will be broadcast on Jan 21, 2023.[Photo provided to China Daily]The fourth rehearsal of the annual CCTV Spring Festival Gala concluded on Monday, unveiling more highlights to be shown in the 41st event.
In the gala this year, Puxian Opera, a variety of Chinese opera from Putian, Fujian province, will make its debut. The performance won thunderous applause from the audience during the rehearsal for its distinctive singing.
Artists Li Guangfu, Sun Guitian, singer-songwriters Ke Zhaolei (often known as Xiao Ke) and Mao Buyi took part in the rehearsal. It"s their first time to perform for the gala, and they are expected to bring new vitality to it.
Various performances have been polished during the repeated rehearsals, showing more highlights. In the following days, crew member will continue to perfect every detail and try to offer a cultural and technological feast to the audience at 8 pm on Saturday, with Sunday marking the start of the Year of the Rabbit.
The 41st CCTV Spring Festival Gala will be broadcast on Jan 21, 2023.[Photo provided to China Daily]推荐
Performers rehearse for the upcoming Spring Festival Gala 每日速读
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